SUSE Linux Family Support - BackupEDGE 3.x

BackupEDGE and its disaster recovery component RecoverEDGE are tested against a large number of distributions in the SUSE Linux family.

Please carefully check the NOTES section below and the RecoverEDGE Support Page for important information. If a release can't be found on our table it is not supported.

BackupEDGE 3.x Supported List - As of June 26, 2023
Operating System Release Minimum Release Required
Specific Information
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6 In Engineering .
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP5 03.05.02 build 1 . See SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 03.05.01 build 2. See SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 03.04.01 build 2. See SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 03.03.01 build 1. See important SLES 15 SP2 note and SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 03.02.03 build 2. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 03.02.03 build 2. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5 03.03.00 build 2. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4 03.02.01 build 7. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 03.02.00 build 1. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2 03.01.03 build 6. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
Older SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Distributions Click to see support for older SUSE Linux Enterprise Server distributions.
openSUSE LEAP 15.6 In Engineering .
openSUSE LEAP 15.5 03.05.02 build 1.See SLES / OpenSUSE Information below
openSUSE LEAP 15.4 03.05.01 build 2.See SLES / OpenSUSE Information below
openSUSE LEAP 15.3 03.04.01 build 2. See SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
openSUSE LEAP 15.2 03.03.01 build 1. See important OpenSUSE LEAP 15.2 note and SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
openSUSE LEAP 15.1 03.02.03 build 1. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
openSUSE LEAP 15.0 03.02.01 build 4. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
openSUSE LEAP 42.3 03.02.00 build 1. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
openSUSE LEAP 42.2 03.01.05 build 2. See important SLES / OpenSUSE Information below.
Older openSUSE / Leap Distributions Click to see support for older openSUSE / Leap distributions.
Newer Releases of Distributions Listed Above BackupEDGE will generally run on newer releases of tested and supported platforms. RecoverEDGE may or may not work, but is not supported until we have completed a testing protocol until we have completed a testing protocol and listed it as supported above.
Distributions Missing Specific Features Operating system or kernel releases missing specific features required by BackupEDGE are NOT supported. For example, releases which do not have /proc/scsi/scsi support cannot be used.

SLES / OpenSUSE / LEAP Information

SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 15 SP6

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP6 has been updated to use a version 6 kernel as well as updating libraries to function with newer binaries. These updates require the use of edgelx60_64.elf,(Changing from the edgelx40_64). New installations should use the edgelx60_64.elf and existing installations should download and install the edgelx60_64.elf over the existing edgelx40_64 product.

SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 15 SP2

The original default kernel shipped with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 installations had a flaw. Please install normal updates to get to kernel 5.3.18-22 or later before attempting to make and rely on RecoverEDGE media.

SLES 15 SP1 uses the Linux 4.x kernel, and the Linux 5.x kernel is used in SLES 15 SP2 and later. However, you must install the Linux 4.x kernel distribution of BackupEDGE (edgelx40_64) for use with all versions of this operating system. This will show a warning message which you may acknowledge and safely ignore.


OpenSUSE Leap 15.6

OpenSUSE Leap 15.6 has been updated to use a version 6 kernel as well as updating libraries to function with newer binaries. These updates require the use of edgelx60_64.elf,(Changing from the edgelx40_64). New installations should use the edgelx60_64.elf and existing installations should download and install the edgelx60_64.elf over the existing edgelx40_64 product.

OpenSUSE Leap 15.2

The original default kernel shipped with OpenSUSE LEAP 15.2 installations (5.3.18-lp152.19-default) had a flaw. Please install normal updates to get to kernel 5.3.18-lp152.20.7-default or later before attempting to make and rely on RecoverEDGE media.

OpenSUSE LEAP 15.0 uses the Linux 4.x kernel, and the Linux 5.x kernel is used in OpenSUSE LEAP 15.2 and later. However, you must install the Linux 4.x kernel distribution of BackupEDGE (edgelx40_64) for use with all versions of this operating system.

Boot loader MUST be installed on the MBR (Master Boot Record) under GPT if not under UEFI.


OpenSUSE, SLES 15, SLES 12 and OpenSUSE / LEAP must be installed without BTRFS or MD in order to be compatible with RecoverEDGE.

Beginning with BackupEDGE release 03.02.03 build 2, LVM is supported for ReecoverEDGE under SLES 15, SLES 12, openSUSE LEAP 15.1, 15.0, 42.3, 42.2, and 42.1.

See the UEFI Support Tables for UEFI support information. BackupEDGE 03.02.00 or later is required to support UEFI.

Encrypted System Drives / Partitions

Encrypted operating system drives / filesystems are not supported by RecoverEDGE.

Last Updated - 2023-06-26

