Technical Support Pages


When I run my backup, I get the error messages "edge: PIPE QUE ERROR - FATAL" Set the environment variable "TMPDIR" to your largest filesystem
BackupEDGE Error 9 Error 137 Compression tmp TMPDIR
Product Release(s)
01.00.0x, 01.01.0x, 01.02.0x
Problem Description
When I run a backup, I get the error messages
          "edge: PIPE QUE ERROR - FATAL"
	  Set the environment variable "TMPDIR" to your largest filesystem
	  Error code is 9


This problem occurs when running BackupEDGE while using the "P" option. This error occurs while compressing a very large file, or just after compressing a large file.

The Virtual Pipe is a pipe that consists of machine memory (the amount depends on your binary) and free space on one of the filesystems. The default filesystem used is the filesystem that contains the directory /tmp (except under UnixWare and OpenUNIX 8, which use /usr as the default). Sometimes the root filesystem has a limited amount of free space and simply ran out of room. BackupEDGE requires that there be at least as much free space in the filesystem used as the size of the compressed version of any given file.

The solution is to instruct EDGE to use another filesystem for it's Virtual Pipe. The way to do this is to set the environment variable TMPDIR to a directory that exists on a larger filesystem.

To find a larger filesystem you would execute the following from the root prompt.

	  df -v

This will output the filesystems and the amount of free space available. For example, if the /u filesystem has a good deal of free space, and a tmp resides on the filesystem, perform the following:

	  TMPDIR=/u/tmp ;export TMPDIR
	  /bin/edge MZvbkf 64 {volume size} /dev/{tape device} .

If you get the edge: PIPE QUE ERROR - FATAL while running an unattended backup or through EDGEMENU, edit the file /etc/default/edge.cfg if you are using BackupEDGE 01.01.0x or earlier. Under BackupEDGE 01.02.00 the file is found under /usr/lib/edge/config and is named master.cfg.
This file will have an entry for TMPDIR, simply change the name of the temporary directory to one that resides on the filesystem with the largest amount of free space. If the line is commented out with a leading '#', be sure to remove the '#' or the change will not take effect.

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Last Updated - 2022/01/03

