Technical Support Pages


edge.cronset reports: "User root not authorized to use cron. Sorry."
edge cron backup root authorized
Product Release(s)
01.01.0x 01.02.0x 02.00.0x 02.01.0x 02.02.0x
Problem Description
When I use edge.cronset to place an entry into root's crontab file, I get the following error message:

User root not authorized to use cron.  Sorry.

The root user doesn't have adequate cron privileges.

Check in the /usr/lib/cron directory for a file called cron.allow or cron.deny. If the file cron.allow exists, only the users listed in this file have cron privileges. Make sure there is an entry for root in this file. If the file cron.deny exists, everyone except the users listed in this file has cron privileges, so make sure there isn't an entry for 'root' here.

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Last Updated - 2022/01/03

