Technical Support Pages


BackupEDGE generates 'SE ' coded errors at various points in the software.
edge BackupEDGE RecoverEDGE
Product Release(s)
01.02.0x 01.01.0x
Problem Description
BackupEDGE generates 'SE ' coded errors at various points in the software.

Various problems may exist.

SE - 20 Occurs when no edge.register in /usr/lib/edge/config. Run
edge.activate -r
to rebuild edge.register.

SE - 26 Occurs when the system name has been changed, which invalidates the current activation. This can be resolved by changing system name back to its original (when activated) value or by re activating edge through
edge.activate -r.

SE - 24 Occurs when there is a problem with a virtual file backup (failed in seek phase). This can also generate an error #15. A fix is available to those with ftp access to under /web/ftp/fixes/vbackSCO_* (note: * will designate which version of SCO you are using. ex: vbackSCO_OSR5 for Open Server 5). Move vbackSCO_* to /usr/lib/edge/bin/vback to replace the old vback that was on your distribution. Later versions of BackupEDGE will have this as part of your distribution. If you do not have ftp, call MICROLITE Tech Support for a diskette containing the fix.

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Last Updated - 2022/01/03

