Technical Support Pages


RecoverEDGE / UW7: Microlite BackupEDGE 2.3 02.03.xx
Problem using 2 NIC cards on SCO 6 or UnixWare with RecoverEDGE HTML Text
Unable to make recoveredge media: Required file_line '/dev/net0' does not exist HTML Text
RecoverEDGE / UW7: Microlite BackupEDGE 2.2 02.02.xx
Under RecoverEDGE for SCO 6, tape0 is not recognized during restore. HTML Text
Does RecoverEDGE support Software RAID HTML Text
RecoverEDGE / UW7: Microlite BackupEDGE 2.1 02.01.xx
Under RecoverEDGE for SCO 6, tape0 is not recognized during restore. HTML Text
Does RecoverEDGE support Software RAID HTML Text
RecoverEDGE / UW7: Microlite BackupEDGE 2.0 02.00.xx
Under RecoverEDGE for SCO 6, tape0 is not recognized during restore. HTML Text
Does RecoverEDGE support Software RAID HTML Text
RecoverEDGE / UW7: Microlite BackupEDGE SS 01.02.xx
Does RecoverEDGE support Software RAID HTML Text
RecoverEDGE / UW7: Microlite BackupEDGE 01.01.xx
Does RecoverEDGE support Software RAID HTML Text
While generating RecoverEDGE diskettes under UnixWare 7.1.x, I got a message complaining about /dev/ripx. HTML Text
Is it possible to create CDROM images on a server with no cd recorder so that they may be moved to a machine with a CDROM burner? HTML Text



Last Updated - 2022/01/03

